• 于洛先生(雅克·塔蒂JacquesTati饰)从乡下来,到了巴黎的姐姐(阿德里安娜·色万提AdrienneServantie饰)家里小住,对姐姐家中各种现代化设备极其不适应,经常被搞得手忙脚乱。还好小侄子杰拉德喜欢这个舅舅,和他到处去玩,杰拉德同样不喜欢家里的现代化设备,因此于洛还带他去郊区老屋玩耍。于洛的姐夫阿尔贝勒先生(让·皮埃尔·佐拉Jean-PierreZola饰)帮于洛在自己工厂找了一份工作,可是于洛同样不适应现代化的操作机器,搞砸了许多事情,闹了许多笑话,姐夫对他忍无可忍,决定介绍另一份工作打发他离开,而于洛开心地同小侄子话别,只当结束了一个不同寻常的假期……本片是雅克·塔蒂“于洛先生三部曲”的第二部。
  • The opportunistic owner (Yvonne Furneaux) of a champagne factory enlists the help of her husband (Anthony Perkins) in convincing her mentally unstable business partner (Maurice Ronet) to sell the rights to his famous last name. Soon a mysterious rash of murders occurs, with Ronet the prime suspect.
  • (转自IMDB)Pierre is a shy man whose sole focus in life is studying astrology in solitude, which is often difficult since he still lives at and studies in his parent's house. His parent's would rather he date and get married. He takes on this task with verve. Not knowing how to approach women in a romantic way, he watches how other men operate and tries to emulate them, most often without success. He ends up attracting the one woman he doesn't really want, a fun loving woman named Laurence who lives next door, but he becomes obsessed with Stella, a singer he sees on television. He believes her love song is being sung directly to him. As Pierre tries to get away from Laurence while pursuing Stella, he may miss the perfect match who may be right under his nose. Written by Huggo