• 高大帅气的体育生朴载炫因为不交诗歌作业而被老师留堂。两人在校外开始文学创作的私人课程,足迹踏遍首尔的大小风景。期末考试时载炫将一首情诗作为作业提交,让老师不禁浮想联翩,随后却被现实的冷水当头淋下。痛定思痛的他决定斩断情丝,结果反被学生一吻定情...
  • 异梦

    《异梦》 是由李枖原、刘智泰等担任主演的韩国MBC电视台抗日谍战剧。 该剧讲述被日本人抚养长大的女主人公成为韩国临时政府的特工,利用医生的表面身份展开谍报活动的故事。
  • Inspired by Christopher Nolan, members of a movie viewing club decide to make a movie. They shoot the whole process and record it for a limited edition DVD. It is a super hero movie called THE DARK NIGHT.
  • 以品牌麦加——圣水洞为背景,讲述了刻薄的营销组长姜娜恩和实习生苏恩浩在意外的接吻后经历灵魂交换后发生的浪漫奇幻故事。
  • 羅大起在高中時期曾是威名遠播的少年幫派老大,連其他學校的混混都不敢招惹他。升學後,大起毅然解散幫派、進入大學苦讀取得教師資格,並在畢業之後來到了充滿麻煩份子的「江湖高校」任教,很快就和不良少年起了衝突。學校裡的流氓老大知道新老師過去的名聲,開始挑釁大起,卻沒料到這位「資深前輩」早就準備好要給他們一場震撼教育...
  • 竞争激烈的全球竞赛节目《体能之巅:百人大挑战》强势回归,找来100位新面孔参赛,争夺体能巅峰的荣耀,挑战难度突破全新高度。
  • 从高中就是闺蜜的两人上大学后一起在首尔租屋生活,家境普通的素真到处打工维持生活的同时,小康家庭的智妍在大学里因外表成为风云人物。 智妍因缺钱拜托素真介绍可以短期赚钱的工作给她,于是素真带着智妍到她常去的KTV陪酒,而智妍也因出众外貌使她越赚越多,然而这样的 工作多在晚上,所以智妍为了补眠拜托素真早上帮自己上课点名,两人的生活就像对调般,素真也渐渐的与智妍男友有了交集,三人的关系变得微妙,一场 变调的生日派对,两人的生活开始崩坏。
  • Cheolsoo, who is also a loner, can't the ability to save by oneself. Cheolsoo, now an adult, is living alone. As first social life, He began life(the Adult world) at gay host bar "JUNGLE" as an apprentice. As time goes on, The world treated him harshly, also ruined him gradually. This is a story about gay host bar, shedding a more humane light on the hosts and focusing on their...
  • 节目是音乐综艺名家JTBC《幻影歌手》《超级乐队》制作组的《隐藏音乐人发掘项目》第三弹,成员全部由主唱组成的第二个Big Mama,首次“女性主唱组合组建项目”。 无论K-POP、音乐剧、偶像、爵士乐、嘻哈、国乐、声乐、Youtuber等类型、专业与否,只要是想挑战新音乐的女性都可以参与。
  • 我真的很想在21岁之前做爱!智惠想要寻找她命中注定要约会的人,但并不像她想象的那么容易。谁会是她完美的一夜情?—— 橘里橘气译制组
  • A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last song with a rock band after he finds out that his number has ...
  • ? ?? ??, ? ?? ???! ??? ??? ?? ? ???? ??? ????? ???? VJ? ??? ????! ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? VJ '??'(???)? ???? ????? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ? ???? ???? ‘??’(???)? ???? ?? ????? ????. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ‘??’? ‘??’? ??? ?? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ‘???’? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ????. ???? ?? ??? ??, ???? ?? ??? ????!
  • Eun-gi's eventful life in a boarding house has begun with the three ladies: a sexy owner of a boarding house, her daughter who is even sexier, and his innocent first love. Eun-gi, a freshman, has found his new place in a boarding house operated by mother and daughter when he came to Seoul to study. His only pleasure is to play along in the unspoken push-and-pull relationship wi...
  • 약점을 이용하여 성상납을 요구하는 대표에게 복수를…거칠고 남자 같은 성격의 유진과 여성스럽고 귀여운 외모를 가진 유정.착실하게 회사 생활을 하며 잘 지내던 유정은 이번 구조 조정에 자신이 있다는 사실을 알게 된다.이를 미끼로 성상납을 하라는 노대표에게 유정은 어쩔 수 없이 하룻밤을 보내게 되고…이를 알게 된 유진은 자신과 유정을 괴롭힌 노대표를 용서할 수 없어 복수를 계획하게 되는데…
  • 郑大世哞(民赫)是日历模型娜英幸福(韩佳人Yeong)有微笑的他虽然他们不能在一起。有一天,他的梦中女孩的动作旁边的钟武的枯燥的生活变成了兴奋的门。钟武学她如何遭受背后的空想,他把他所拥有的一切就行,安慰她。娜英是被他的天真和她的工作之间。同时,钟武的朋友勇进(Kwon Yeong Ho)和他可爱的女友姬熙一热夜梦(李熙II)但他每次尝试他站在死亡的边缘,最后在吉熙承认一些东西给他…
  • ???? ? ? ???? ??? ????? ???!’ ???? ?? ??? ‘???’? ???, ???? ??? ?? ?? ‘????’ ?? ???! ? ?? ‘??’? ??? ‘??’? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???! ??, ?? ? ?? ????? ??? ??! ? ??? ????! ?, ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???… ?, ??? ??? ???? ??? ??. ?? ??? ???! ?? ??? ???? ?, ????? ??? ?? ??, ?? ???? ????? ??, ? ?? ??? ???? ? ???? ??, ?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??, ??? ???? ??… ??? ???? ??, ?? ???? ...
  • 禁忌:新的姐姐
  • 嘘!丈夫对我这么好的秘密。清秀的面孔和完美的身材,而且丈夫面前总是善良纯真的贤妻良母,她!但是丈夫离开家,那个男人灵魂一下子从魔力般的美貌和夜晚的技术炫耀。她的丈夫不知道热夜生活正在展开。
  • 妍敬和永旭夫妻凭着一口义气迈入第十年,正当婚姻开始亮起红灯时,一群形形“色色”的人闯了进来。为本能而活的男人民植,享受生活的女人载顺以及不会隐忍的女人惠仁,因为和他们的一段段精彩刺激的脱轨,妍敬和永旭索然无味的婚姻生活开始找到了滋味…
  • Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon coincidentally meet at an acting audition. A strange gentleman appears in front of the both of them who are sick of failing at these auditions and suggests something to them. Meanwhile, Ayaka comes to Korea with her best friend Saori to meet her fiancé, Min-joon's parents. She runs into Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon who ask her to star in something and altho...