• 意大利著名的恐怖片导演乔·德马托(JoeD’Amato)1976年作品。美国时尚摄影女记者艾曼妞为了发现更好的题材,不惜牺牲肉体设法混入参议员身边,无意中却发现了一个专门虐待残害妇女的秘密组织······
  • 一群游客被困在一个无人居住的小岛上,他们被一个疯狂、暴力、怪诞的杀手跟踪,屠杀了该镇的前居民。
  • 一对带着幼子的夫妇遭遇海难,他们奋力划着救生艇来到茂密的非洲原始森林。夫妻俩在树上筑起树屋当作临时住所,一天却不幸惨遭花豹突袭,双双丧生。与此同时,母猩猩卡娜正因为失去了小猩猩而悲啼不已,听到远处传来婴孩哭声,她循着找去发现一个人类宝宝。在母爱的驱使下,卡娜收养了这个后来被称作“泰山”的婴孩,把他带回了森林中的家。从小泰山就一直被家庭中的猩猩伙伴们嘲笑为丑八怪,为了取得大家的认同,他内心里一直以作一个杰出的猩猩为目标,他不懈地努力学习猩猩的一举一动。为了打破同伴对他的偏见和歧视,他勇敢地去做大家不敢做的事情。长大后的泰山是森林的游侠,爬树身手矫健,攀着树藤可以来去自如,还有一班猩猩好友与他四处游玩,生活再惬意不过了。这种无忧无虑、平静宁和的生活终于随着一支人类探险队的闯入而被打破,泰山发现自己的样子和外来者竟是那样相像,他开始疑惑这到底是怎么一回事。不久,他爱上探险队中博士的女儿珍妮。在猩猩妈妈卡娜将他的身世和盘道出后,泰山终天明白他也是人类的一员,可森林是他的家,他应该留在森林中还是回到人类社会?随着对珍妮的爱与日俱增和人类即将对猩猩家庭进行侵害,陷入进退两难境地的泰山,该如何作出选择?
  • Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian director Joe D'Amato, starring Laura Gemser and George Eastman. The film was one of the most expensive films ever made in Italy at that time, not just in cast but in locations. The filming was done in many countries; Hong Kong, Iran, India, America and in a studio in Italy. It features a notable cast, including Gemser, Karin Schubert, Ivan Rassimov and Eastman.
  • Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new book. Peter finds out and blackmails her by demanding sex for his silence. Meanwhile Sarah develops feelings for computer whiz Cliff, who struggles to resolve his own sexual orientation.
  • Judas, a wealthy playboy living in Hong Kong, is obsessed with snakes. His apartment is full of them, and he treats them as if they were his children. One night Judas' brother persuades him to accompany him to see a dance act at a nightclub. Judas is astounded to see that the act consists of a beautiful Asian woman who dances nude while holding a python. He is immediately smitten, and winds up hiring her to take care of his snakes while he's away on business. However, things start to take a sinister turn.
  • 在这部意大利性爱电影中,一群漂流者被冲上了一座荒岛的海岸。他们不知道岛上也有一个性狂热的放射性怪物。他袭击并强奸了几名妇女,这些妇女因为他的精子具有放射性而惨死。幸存者必须找到一种方法,要么逃离这个岛,要么杀死怪物
  • 圣菲奥拉修道院,19世纪的意大利 院长安吉拉(Angela)修女接纳看似无辜的孤儿伊莎贝拉,以保护她免受不择手段的叔叔唐-阿斯卡尼奥的迫害。没过多久,这个无耻的露阴癖就露出了真面目,一场性反叛开始酝酿。